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  There be a few simple things every cabbie should know.

Boarding a Ship

Once ye be a member of the crew, ye don't need to take a job with the crew in order to get onto the ship. If a ship be at sea when ye log on, ye'll be given the option to board right away. If ye click on the docks at an island, ye'll see all the ships belonging to yer crew that are either docked at that island, or occupied by at least one pirate. Ye can just click on the ship to board.

It be polite to ask permission before boarding a ship. Type "Permission to board" followed by the ship's name on the crew chat. This is especially important with the small ships, sloops and cutters, while they're at sea.

If a ship be in battle, ye will be unable to board her. Send a message on the crew chat and ask to be informed when the ship be free of battle. Don't be too upset if ye don't get a response right away, though; crew on a ship in battle be busy.

Accessing the Documentation

Many of yer questions about the game of puzzle pirates be answered in the online documentation.

Ye may read instructions on how to do each duty puzzle by clicking on the "How-To" button at the duty station. Ye should do this before ye attempt a duty puzzle for the first time.

In addition, ye may access the online documentation, which gives information on how to do the duty and non-duty puzzles alike, as well as instructions on other aspects of the game, such as doubloons, badges, crews, and rankings. Some information in the documentation be out of date, but much of it be sound.

Ye can access the documentation in game by clicking the "help" button under "ye" at the right of yer game screen, or online by going to http://www.puzzlepirates.com/docs.

If ye have questions about the crew or about qualifications for promotion, it's likely that ye can find the answers in the crew charter. Click "Info" on the "Crew" tab at the right hand side of yer screen.

After ye've checked all these sources, if ye still have questions, ye may ask yer crewmates or yer officers. We be willing to help, but we are not yer mommy, we won't hold yer hand.

Teaming and Battle

First, ye must be aware that the battle is not just the sword fight. Before ye grapple an enemy ship, there be a sea battle, during which yer officers attempt to out-gun the enemy ship. This creates damage, which in turn partially fills the damaged party's sword fighting screen with unbreakable blocks. Yer performance of yer duties in battle helps the officer who is performing battle nav by giving them tokens they use to move the ship and fire the guns. Therefore, it be important that ye stay at yer station and work well during a sea battle. Ye can tell if yer ship be in a sea battle or not by looking at the upper right of yer screen. If ye see the ship sailing across a clear ocean, ye be not in battle. If ye see a map of squares, though, on which yer ship is maneuvering, ye be in battle. Do not switch duty stations unless ye've been ordered while ye be in battle; the officer in charge needs yer work.

The most important aspect of any sea battle is the teaming in the sword fight. Good teaming is more important than anything ye may be doing in the sword fighting puzzle. If ye be bad at the sword fighting puzzle, it be all the more important that ye pay attention to yer teams. I would rather have an Able ally who knows how to team, than a Grand-Master who insists on going solo or all-on-one.

Ye can tell who ye're attacking in a sword fight by the white box around their board, and by the fact that they have a colored dot next to their board which matches the colors of yer sword's hilt. The best number of people to have attacking an opponent in a sword fight is three. If yer allies don't number a multiple of three, form some teams of two. Don't go it alone, and never, ever form a team of four or more, especially against computer opponents. Computer opponents cheat when there be teams of four and more going against them, raining chinkers down on all yer allies. This be not a rumor; I've seen it with me own eyes. If ye see that ye be part of a team of four or more, switch teams at once, even if it means going solo.

Check yer teams often, especially when people (either allies or enemies) are dying. When the enemy ye're attacking dies, ye should re-team immediately. Ye can tell that the opponent ye're attacking has died because a message drifts across yer puzzle screen telling ye so; ye get no such message when other enemies die.

Finally, contrary to popular belief, it is sometimes okay to use the space bar to drop pieces more quickly in battle. Ye can use the space bar to throw attacks more rapidly at the enemy. Rapidly attacking the enemy be a good thing. However, if ye are being attacked by a large number of enemies, ye should stay off the space bar drop pieces as slowly as possible, for several reasons. First, ye want to stay alive and under attack by these people as long as possible, since while they're attacking ye, they aren't attacking yer allies. Second, attacks only drop when one of yer pieces has hit; if the enemy dies with his attack still in the air, it never hits.